Mr. Jimmy (Magnum Security Services)

“What was the most challenging period in the journey of Magnum Security”


The 2020 pandemic has been the most challenging year for our business. Going into lockdown was a particularly worrying time, the idea of our staff not being able to go into work just made it more unclear on how businesses would function with this extra strain

There were a lot of decisions to be made and we needed to innovate to fit with the new normal. As they say, ‘every cloud has a silver lining’, we learnt to change our ways of working by quickly creating a Business Continuity plan and switching to a 100% remote way of operating. To add to this, the government of UAE handled the pandemic extremely well by responding swiftly and proactively especially, with its disinfection programs and with the securing of vaccines.

I believe we have navigated through the most challenging times already and we hope for a better tomorrow for everyone.